- How did you first become aware of CrossFit Wädenswil?
A well-known member of the box named Silvan Engetschwiler introduced me to CrossFit. He showed me the Wodify app, the structure of a class, and the workouts, and I thought, “Alright, I guess that’s what I need.”
- What is your biggest life goal?
It’s more like a mission than just a goal. I can’t share it yet, though—you’d think I’m crazy.
- Which CrossFit movement do you definitely want to master?
The difficult ones like handstand walks, bar and ring muscle-ups—maybe even double crossovers, they sound fun. But every movement can be done better and smoother, even the simple ones. There are so many, and I like them all—even deadbugs. Man, I love deadbugs.
- What is your favorite food?
I don’t have favorite food.
- What role does the CrossFit community play for you?
I don’t really know. I just like the people here and their energy.
- What are three things on your bucket list?
- To see as many different kinds of animals and plants as possible.
- To learn surfing.
- To do yoga in the most beautiful places on planet Earth.
But there are many more things on the list. This planet is just so much fun!
- Do you have a specific goal in CrossFit that you want to achieve?
No, not specifically. I just want to be better and stronger and master everything—especially my weaknesses. Then the rest will unfold.
- Do you have a motto or life philosophy you live by?
Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.
- What advice would you give to someone new to CrossFit?
Just do it. It’s going to be the best decision of your life—you’ll find out why during the process.
- Tell us something about yourself that we don’t know yet…
I love the scent of lilac (Flieder). Whenever and wherever I smell it, I just stay or sit there for as long as possible. I close my eyes and just smell it, and my heart rate goes higher than when sprinting on the assault runner—even now, just thinking about it.
Thank you so much for this great interview.
We are so happy to have you in the Wädi community!